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Mondo is now Monzo!

Just over two months ago, we announced that we were saying goodbye to the name “Mondo”. More than 10,000 of you sent us 12,560 suggestions for our new name and we saw some amazing ideas, as well as some very weird ones. Thank you for all of them!

We’ve been combing through the names and working closely with our legal team to find one that we love and that we feel confident keeping for the next 100 years, which hasn't been easy.

The good news is that we have now decided, and we’re incredibly excited to announce that we are now…


Monzo was suggested by six wonderful members of our community: Kamilla, Ashley, Martin, Matthew, Chris and Jason. They are now the proud owners of these stylish hoodies and will receive the first six Monzo cards ever printed. Thank you!

We’re moving everything over to the new name, so you can now find us at, @monzo on Twitter and monzobank on Facebook. Come and say hi 👋

We’re printing Monzo cards now which we’ll start sending out to new users in a few weeks. All existing Mondo cards will continue to work as usual (as well as becoming rare collectors’ items!) and when we launch our current account and debit cards early next year, you’ll receive a brand new Monzo debit card too.

We’re hosting an event at our offices in London to announce the new name and live-streaming it on YouTube which you can see here.

Thank you again to everyone who suggested a new name. We can’t wait to become Monzo with you! 🚀