You’ll notice things look a little bit different over the next few weeks.
See those Feed and Manage tabs? We’ve introduced them to make housing information about your money and what you can do with it simpler to use, and clearer to see.
It’s new to your account views for personal accounts, joint accounts and business accounts, as well as all your Pots.
It’s the first in a series of updates we’ll be announcing over the coming months. All of them are to do with Pots and helping you to get more value out of them.
We’ve done this to make better use of the space we have
As is customary at this time of year, we’ve done a spot of Spring cleaning to make better use of the space we have.
We’ve been sifting through the contents of the app and asking ourselves: How can we make this stuff more visible and easier to grab? The answer was splitting our existing space in two.
Until now, we had information about your account activity in what we called the ‘feed’ and account management actions between blue circular buttons and ‘settings’. Our new tabs bring this information into clearly labelled areas right there in plain view.
The ‘Feed’ tab shows all your account activity
That’s money coming into and out of your account or Pot, including where it came from or went to. As well as any interest you earned or paid out, cash withdrawals and more.
Until today, when it came to Pots, you could only see a summary of the total amount added to or withdrawn from a Pot. Which was okay, but it didn’t give you the level of detail which you told us you wanted. Now you can see every movement of money into and out of a Pot.
Like with your account feed, we’ve grouped the activity in your Pot feed by date. And the information we show starts from the first deposit you make into your Pot.
The ‘Manage’ tab houses actions and overview information
The second tab is what we’ve labelled ‘Manage’. It’s where we’ll eventually put all the actions and controls you use to manage your accounts and the Pots in them.
It serves as a sort of replacement for the blue ‘Edit’ button which sits under your card or Pot image. That circle’s staying put for a while yet, but eventually we’ll get rid of it and house all your management options in this new tab.
We’re making Pots even more powerful this year
In almost all of the conversations we have with you we hear how much you love Pots. For some of you, they’re handy places to put money aside from your balance. Simple. But for others, they’re much more than that.
We’ve heard stories about Pots totally changing your relationships with money. So much so that you’ve been able to save for a holiday or a wedding, or to get yourselves out of debt.
Pots are powerful, and over the next few months we’ll be launching features that make them even more powerful.
We can’t say much more than that right now, all will be revealed in good time 😏